Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up: Hecticness!

This past week has in all honestly been probably one of the worst, and best weeks of this year so far. It was the last week of the business year at work, (Wal-Mart), and so they decided to cut everyone's hours. So I only worked for 14 hours, and had Monday-Friday off. So what did I really do with my time? Not much of anything really.
Spent a couple days at my dad's house, and while I was there Mother Nature decided to blanket the south in some of that lovely awful white stuff people call snow. Now granted I'm not a huge fan of snow, it was probably the best thing ever to watch my dogs play around in it. They hate the cold, but they rarely wanted to come inside because they would have rather been out playing. Which if I was a dog, I'd want to do the exact same thing. Haha.
I was there Monday-Wednesday, but when I got home Wednesday night, my roommate and I watched the season finale of American Horror Story: Coven and I for one enjoyed it, but was still a little disappointed with who the new supreme was. It was a little too predictable and just redundant in a way. I dunno how to really explain it, but all-in-all it was my favorite season so far.
On Thursday, it was a very long, awful day. It started off with me being in a great mood, but since my roommate worked a double shift, I was stuck at home by myself bored all damn day. Which then resulted in me feeling lonely, and just wallowing, and crying and all that fun stuff.
But when I woke up Friday morning, everything turned around, and it turned out to be a fabulous day. After Eddie had gotten out of school, he came to visit me, mainly to help cheer me up, which just him being around makes me feel better. But we had a short visit because I had a doctor's appointment that I had to go to; which I don't mind going to the scheduled ones I've been having on Friday's. It's actually called "Centering Pregnancy", which is a pregnancy group meeting, where you legit learn more about pregnancy, get more time with your doctor, learn how to take your own vitals, etc, all with 8-12 other women who are due around the same time you are. It's probably one of the greatest experiences I've ever had, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone if it's offered in your area, when/if you are pregnant! We also did a guided relaxation near the very end of the group and it felt amazing. Something I extremely needed. After group was over I ended up driving back up to my hometown to visit my mom, because she was back in town for the day before she and my stepdad had to head out for their next job assignment. Spent a few hours with them, got them updated with the latest gossip in my life, and they bought me dinner! That's always a plus. Haha.
Finally on Saturday I got to go back to work, because our work weeks for Wal-Mart run Saturday-Friday, and Saturday started our new work week. After being gone for 5 days, I felt like it had been decades since I had worked. It was pretty awful, but at least I was back, making money, and joking around with my coworkers. It was a pretty slow day, hell the entire weekend was slow, except for our TV sales. I don't know why people feel the need to come out and buy huge ass TV's for the "big, bad, superbowl" and then return said TV. It's like, really? Please get a life, thanks. Sunday wasn't much better. We had a few spurts here and there, but for the most part it was completely dead, but at least Eddie always makes work that much better. We also decided to pass the time playing with a slinky. Like, who knew slinky's could be so damn fun.
Honestly, the best time of the entire week was literally right after I got off work last night. When I clocked out, it was time for Eddie's lunch break. Instead of me going straight home, I decided to spend his lunch with him, and we had quite the conversation. I updated him with how much of a living hell my life has been since I moved down to Winston, and just how disrespectful my ex is being about everything. He also asked if my ex has ever thought about getting back together with me, and I flat out said that it's NEVER happening. Not in this lifetime, not ever. So then he was curious as to why I broke up with him in the first place, etc, which I didn't mind explaining to him.
Now here's where it gets better. He finally straight up asked me to tell him in person that I've been crushing on him. He's heard it in texts, and from fellow coworkers, and he was ready to hear it from me; and me being the person I am, I can never find the correct words, wording, etc to ever tell someone how I feel about them. I don't know why I'm that way, but I just am. Anywho finally it came out of my mouth that I am obviously crushing on him, and he admitted to me that he's got a crush on me as well! He's honestly the sweetest guy I've ever been interested in. He's very sweet, caring, a great listener, and gives the best hugs ever. I think I have finally found a keeper. He also said he wants to take me to dinner sometime. Which makes me very happy; but sadly after we had gotten done with that, his lunch break was over, and it was time for him to go back to work, but before he went back in, he gave me the longest, most amazing hug ever, and kissed me on the forehead. I've been on "cloud 9" ever since last night. I just can't believe we have finally made progress and getting somewhere!
Hopefully this week brings some more fun, smiles, happiness, and much much more!
Until next time,
Linking up with Rachael and Lisa!


  1. Yay!! So excited for you!
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. That pregnancy course sounds neat! I wouldn't have the first clue about what to do if I was pregnant and it seems like a great way to meet other people in your area who have stuff in common with you.

    Thanks for joining our link up!

  3. Lola! I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check my post for more info!
