Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in a nutshell.

2013 was a rollercoaster of a year for me. As the year has slowly came to an end, I'm finally getting to the next amazing crest of an airtime hill that I hope never ends.
As the year began, I was just a girl slaving away trying to earn a living off what people decided to leave me based on how well of a job I did "entertaining" them. Aka; Server life. That went on for a few good months, until I came across this guy that ended up changing my life forever, whether I want to admit it to myself or not. I may not be happy with the choices and decisions he's made since I broke up with him, but for the rest of my life, part of him will always be with me. But I'll get more into that shortly.
We didn't have that long of a run; but for the most part, until he did some things that I'd rather not get in to, it was a happy relationship. Then things just started going downhill, and before it completely ruined me, I decided it would be best to just go ahead and end the entire thing.
We're still currently living together, but just as roommates, and yes, it is awkward, but it's the only thing I can do right now.
But as I was saying earlier...how part of him will always be with me....

Yes, that's right! I'm having a baby. A baby boy to be exact. And I couldn't be more happier. I can't wait to meet my little man Preston Blake Mitchell in May 2014!
But I'm super glad to be putting 2013 in the books, wrapping it up, and hopefully never looking back at all the low valleys I hit.
2014 will be a better year. I'll make sure of it. I'll have my little bundle of joy to make it all better; I've got my best friends by my side no matter what, and my family is my rock. I refuse to let things get as bad as they did this year.
Until next time-

Monday, July 29, 2013

Oh my goodness...

What have I let myself do?! There should be no reason for me to have gained so much weight. My goal weight is 160. This means I have to lose 107 pounds. I know I can do this. It's just gonna be a long and hard road. 

Well. Time for breakfast and then c25k!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Obligatory first post!

Well, well, well...what do we have here? Lola back on another blog! :)

Not too much going on right about now. Just trying to learn to manage money, hold a job, and not piss off the boyfriend.

Speaking of which; I just recently moved in with him, officially, managed to find a job, and next is to patiently wait for my BFF to finally get here and find a new place to live! It's a hard life sometimes....but who wants everything handed to them on a silver or even gold platter? That won't get you anywhere!

Anywho, as of tomorrow, I'm going back to trying the healthy lifestyle, eating right, exercising, etcetera. Doing my weigh-in in the morning, and then having some delicious breakfast, and then off for my first day of using c25k!

As for now, it's bed time! Goodnight loves!